Hi, my name is Molly
Hello, my name is Molly, and I’m a Registered Associate Nutritionist who teaches women about holistic health, the menstrual cycle and how to tailor their nutrition and lifestyle to balance their hormones and thrive.
For far too long, menstrual health has been disregarded and women have been expected to tolerate and mask their symptoms with birth control and medication. This is a disservice to women, because understanding and connecting with your cycle has endless benefits. After years of suffering, dismissal and lack of resources, I now use my knowledge and experience to teach women how to understand their bodies and transform their lives by supporting and working with their cycles.
A woman's cycle is
her 5th vital sign
Our menstrual cycle is a key indicator of our overall health, yet we're barely taught anything about it...
Symptoms such as painful cramps, acne, irregular periods and PMS may be common, but they're not normal. These are all our body's way of telling us that something's wrong. Our symptoms can affect every aspect of our life, from our physical and mental health to our relationships, careers and much more.
It's time that we stop ignoring the signs, gain better understanding of our bodies and balance our hormones and live in tune with our cycles.
Nutritional Packages & Services
Hormone Crash Course
6 week program
Do you feel lost when it comes to your hormone problems and need a crash course to turn your health around? This is the package for you.
What's included?
1 x 1 hour initial consultation
3 x 30 minute fortnightly follow-ups
Full dietary analysis and ongoing food diary feedback
Personalised supplement advice
Recipe pack
Food and cycle trackers
Ongoing bespoke nutrition advice and progress checks towards your health goals
Hormone Reset Program
3 month program
Are you already doing your best to be healthy, but not sure where you're going wrong and in need of a hormone reset? This is the ideal package for you.
What's included?
1 x 1 hour initial consultation
6 x 30 minute fortnightly follow-ups
Full dietary analysis at the start and end of the program
Ongoing food diary feedback
24/7 nutrition support via WhatsApp
Personalised supplement advice
Recipe pack
Food and cycle trackers
Ongoing bespoke nutrition advice and progress checks towards your health goals
Hormone Healing Program
6 month program
You've tried everything, you're tired of living with your hormone problems and ready to turn your health around to make change for good? This one's for you.
What's included?
1 x 1 hour initial consultation
12 x 30 minute fortnightly follow-ups
Full dietary analysis at the start, middle and end of the program
Ongoing food diary feedback
24/7 nutrition support via WhatsApp
Personalised supplement advice
Recipe pack
Food and cycle trackers
Ongoing bespoke nutrition advice and progress checks towards health goals
FREE 12 month check-in